A one-act satirical tale of ludicrous loyalty, intolerance, and environmental mayhem. After the monarchy falls, the Lumberjack Leprechauns hold a costume contest to find their next golden leader.
For generations, the loyal Lumberjack Leprechauns have followed their king’s orders to find the great pot o’ gold buried underneath trees. But when President Leafhopper, an ally of the dreaded Tree Huggers, wins the first democratic election and enforces deforestation regulations, their world is turned upside down. With their leader Stumpsharp captured after a disastrous attempt to storm the castle, Axestorm, Chopwit, and Sawdunce devise an ingenious method for finding their next golden leader: a costume contest in the North Woods. Ingenious, that is, until eccentric contestants and a lively audience challenge their quest to restore the monarchy.
For teens and adults. 6 - 15 actors. Minimal props. No royalty fees in 2024.
Scott H., Equity Actor
K. Brook, Goodreads Reviewer
Jessie, Librarything Reviewer
Jim R., Goodreads Reviewer
Dan R., Librarything Reviewer
NX74, Goodreads Reviewer